Commercial real estate (CRE) refers to any property that’s used for business purposes and is leased to tenants. This space may be a storefront, strip mall or even an office building. CRE investors and owners make money from the sale of the property itself as well as from rental income generated by the tenants. Individuals, corporations and even government agencies can invest in this type of space. The most common types of commercial spaces are offices, industrial properties and multi-family residential rentals that house more than five units.

Investors often hire brokers to help them purchase or lease CRE space. These brokers must be licensed and have a deep understanding of the local market. They should also know what type of CRE space is in demand and be able to identify the best properties on the market. The broker’s job is to assist the buyer or tenant in finding a property that meets their needs and expectations. They can also be a resource for the seller, offering advice on pricing and other important aspects of the transaction.

In addition to location, the type of space will also dictate how much a property is worth. Generally speaking, larger buildings are more expensive than smaller ones. However, the overall value of a property will depend on its purpose and how it’s being used. Also read

For example, a medical office might be more valuable than an office that’s being used as a warehouse or for light manufacturing. Additionally, buildings that have already been occupied by well-known retailers might be more attractive to potential buyers than empty space.

The six major categories of commercial real estate are office space, retail space, industrial space, hotels and resorts, multifamily rental apartments and special purpose. Special-purpose spaces are those that don’t fall into any of the other categories and might include things like amusement parks, churches or self-storage facilities.

When it comes to investing in commercial property, many people are put off by the amount of red tape involved. This includes zoning laws, taxes and other requirements that might be different from those for residential properties. For this reason, many people choose to invest in residential real estate rather than commercial spaces.

If someone is interested in investing in CRE, they should take a close look at their short and long-term goals to determine the best way to proceed. If they’re looking to make a quick profit, rehabbing or wholesaling a single-family home might be the right choice. If they’re aiming for long-term passive income, however, investing in commercial space might be a better option.

Once a person has determined the type of commercial real estate they want to own, it’s time to find a broker to help them. There are numerous brokers to choose from, so it’s important to do a thorough background check on each one. This should include a review of their license, years of experience and any specialties they might have. Typically, once a broker is selected, both parties will sign legal paperwork describing the terms of the partnership.